Avenue North Holy Land Hotel Experience KB

Venue: Haiyun Spa
Address: North Avenue, Guangzhou Avenue
Consumption: 268-368

Just catch up with the activity. I used to go to this place for a while before I switched to the boss.

Inadvertently went up, the quality of the technician is better, there is FJ BTKB, but you must first tell the minister that you do not do it.

  The service feels the most important technicians are younger. Address 4th Floor, Holy Land Hotel

 When I went there was no one in the afternoon. The pool was broken and not repaired. I went straight to the minister and went to the bell.

 I can see it in the room because it is quite black. It’s quite full. It’s about 25-28 years old. It seems to be 95.

  Going straight to bed I told her not to press the service directly and then started roaming. Follow up, you know

  I can only say that this price is more cost-effective.