




XL在桑拿界混迹2年,去过多家桑拿,现给大家分享分享KB场 1.ASST硬件不错,但JS素质参差不齐,特别给大家推荐102和108号,付无不错,身形中等 2.YM此场与我无缘,每次的JS都比较难看,特别提醒大家169号是一40多岁的大肥猪,见到也恶心。此场与ASST是同一老...


ASST experience package

Spending time: Hotel name: Location: There is no contact information: Contact: Price: Number of technicians: Recently, ASST is relatively hot on the forum, the wolf has also been to twice, once with friends to get off work on Friday, the fi...


Asst first experience

Consumption time: 2015-02-25 Hotel name: asst Location: Subway Nanzhou Station Exit B Contact information: No contact information: Price: 340 Number of technicians: 20 One day, a public to asst, WeChat red card 111 During the vacation, the...


New emperor

When I was bored, I went out to Guangzhou to go to Jiahe friends to play. My friend took me to the new emperor. When I went to the rest, I went to the rest hall and waited for BZ to arrange the room. After ten minutes, the minister took us...


Haizhu ZJ female who wants to come? ? ?

I also inadvertently listened to others, saying that there are ZJs chickens in Hisense Plaza. There are many young sisters, 15 to 20, and the most popular time for dinner. There is a surprise in the good grasp of the time. The appearance c...


KB, 69 special near Jinshazhou

Price: 328 Luo Chongwei, Tianli Sauna, my old venue, the environment I give 4 points, moderate, there is a buffet (generally, sometimes there will be surprises), JS is very obedient, afraid of complaints, generally you can open a 328KB, go...


I also say asst

The story is like this one in the first 2 months, I have been toast for 2 js, and the third is barely ready to serve. Who knows she is proposing a double flight service! That day, I drank a little wine and promised that after a while, the...


The most disappointing in YQ history

I lost my sleep to the minister last night. I arrived at noon today. The original minister went to work late and changed to a minister to say hello... I explained, young, beautiful, big! In less than five minutes, I went to the house... I...


Zhongshan Parkson Valley Experience

I spent the night on business trips, looking for the biggest city in this city, give it a try. There are no arrival time at 10 oclock in the evening, the environment is 80 points, similar to the world of Jinbi, there are ktv, there are hot...



地点:广佛新干线,(广州朋友可以从环城高速在广佛新干线出口一直向前开。 店名:璟豪休闲中心 去过多次感觉还不错,最主要是看里面安全,开了好多年了,一直没有出过事,听讲老板后台特硬。里面js大概6-80左右,价格4-5-6-7。服务态度不错,有Y舞。可惜7的...





发廊 --- 永泰丛云路新星休闲中心巨Ru广东妹

新星休闲中心在永泰也是小有名气,在丛云路、同泰一街、元下田三路这边大概有3个店,总体感觉元下田三路的妹子质量最高,经常有惊喜,同泰一街的可以忽略,没什么亮点。 这次去的在元下田三路,有招牌的那家,进门只有3个妹子,挑了一个颜值相对好一点的,也...


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