National Day holiday night exploration Sanyuanli MW

Venue: fame
Address: Sanyuanli
Consumption: 360+12+5

It is said that HH has been contacted by HH to do Yang Yang. In the past two days, I have to ask the 咗佢 唔 system to go to work. I was told to go to 咗 MW. I have QT, whether I want to try it~ ~

At 12 o'clock, the time is 12 o'clock to the middle field, the front desk is numb, the sound is thick ~ decoration a word ~ ​​disabled, the younger brother in the shower room is lazy, love ignores, count, 6 grid glass shower room, cottage shower gel, got Disposable clothes (12 mosquitoes)~

Lala sounded cold, went to the lounge, hey, the sofa can be directly pulled into the garbage dump ~ Remnant ~ I thought I would stay overnight, after leaving the line, there are two BZ during the period They are all 30-year-olds. I have to ask for the clock. The first time I squat, I will turn over the Yang Department~ 10 minutes, Yang Bu will come over and arrange, if the whole piece is good, you will find it~ Through the thin stairs on the second floor, dim, the corridors see two JS. Both are relatively thin, one of which is called 11 by the Yang Department, the body is high, about 152, bb has b, like this I am clear~ I want to try the next time, I will enter the house.

At the door, I heard a slap in the sand and said hello. I followed a piece of fat and smashed out the object. Hey~ I’m like a fat woman, and immediately complained with bz, bz whispered, it’s really good. It’s awkward, but the service is good and worth a try! I saw you before the canal, I decided to try


At the beginning, the general press is pressed for 10 minutes. Among them, there is a service in the canal. There are two kinds of 168-268, one is FJ, the other is BT,, my microphone directly asks QT咩, I want to know what to do, then you know what to know~ I know that QT is based on 268 and you can try more than 100~ channels. You can try bt first. If you feel good and add money to do QT, I think it is good~

I may know that I started to want to play the canal clock and know the Yang Department. Therefore, the BT service is good, and the process is all embarrassing. However, before the channel was used, the DG was done for two months, and it was subjected to the training of the fruit side. I think the canal is a relatively straightforward and sultry person, the character is OK~ I feel that adding money to try the channel QT~ with a bag to do the wild, it is worth mentioning ~mm is relatively fat, good meat, plenty of water, can be referred to ~ the most profound side entry There is a clear feeling that there is a sense of flesh and grain, a few addictive ~ after the completion of the matter, I learned that the degree of red card is No. 31, so that I can try the next channel ~ the last consumption 360+12+5 (tip)

The first time I went to the field, I tried 噶27~ although it was fat, but the service is really good! I like to serve you, my friends can try it, I believe I will have another time.