Should further reduce corporate social insurance rates and r

Many small and micro enterprises are likely to face a crisis soon because of policy changes.

An entrepreneur on Weibo said: "Our company has a total social security of 60,000 yuan in 17 years (the sum of the company and the individual). Five people have social security this year. The total amount approved is more than 120,000! It is based on social security. No. 6 text approved! We are small companies, the staff changes greatly, 120,000 social security, companies like us can't really afford it! The only way to think of it is to lower the wages and lower the minimum wage standard! , downsizing, even closing the door..."

It is illegal to falsely report the social security base and miss the payment of social security. However, we should face up to the reasons behind the phenomenon of corporate reporting - the long-standing social security premium rate is too high.

High social security rates are not good. Excessive social security rates not only increase the burden on enterprises, but also squeeze the income and employment space of employees and curb social consumption. For many years, there has been a call for domestic social security rates to be lowered.

In August 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission website published a research report from the Social Development Research Institute of the Commission, stating that the current five social security premiums for enterprise employees in China are 39.25% of the total wages of enterprise employees, and are included in the statistics of 173 countries and regions. Ranked 13th in the middle. The report analyzes that the cost of hiring one worker in China can be 1.5 in Thailand, 2.5 in the Philippines, and 3.5 in Indonesia.

Compared with the high social security rate, it is better to strengthen the social security fund by reducing the burden on enterprises, consolidating the cost base and strengthening financial subsidies. Small and micro enterprises are an important component of market vitality. They should pay attention to their voices and effectively reduce their burden.