Domestic mobile phones are strong in competitiveness

In the view of industry observer Hong Shibin, it is normal for Japanese and Korean companies to shut down factories in China. After all, they are facing the competitive pressure of Chinese brands.

It can be said that the competition in China's smart phone industry is highly concentrated. The rankings of Huawei, OPPO, VIVO, and Xiaomi's four domestic brands have surpassed Apple's top five. Samsung's shipments in China have declined sharply since 2015, accounting for less than 1%. %.

Feng Yanjiao said that the main reasons include both internal and external aspects.

Internally, first, the marketing channel is not enough, farther away from consumers, and is forgotten. Second, the battery explosion and the late crisis public relations failed to lead to a sharp decline in brand reputation; third, Samsung Mobile phone localization is not enough, the design fails to meet the needs of Chinese consumers for endurance, self-timer, games, etc., such as insufficient battery life, Note8 big screen business mobile phone battery capacity is only 3300 mAh, according to Chinese consumers' habits need one day Two rushes, while domestic mobile phones are at 4000-7000 mAh.

From the outside, domestic mobile phones are better aimed at domestic consumers' demand for self-timer, games and other functions, and launch more cost-effective products to seize the low-end market.

Feng Yanjiao pointed out that the competitiveness of domestic mobile phones will become stronger and stronger in the future. "First of all, at the marketing level, the domestic mobile phone power line layout, OPPO, VIVO will follow the low- and medium-tier cities to promote the layout of first- and second-tier cities, Xiaomi also plans to complete the layout of 1,000 new stores in recent years, investing in advertising Secondly, on the technical level, domestic mobile phones have broken through the bottleneck of 'lack of core and less screens' for many years, and domestically produced parts and components will continue to provide more cost-effective raw materials for domestic mobile phones."

Feng Yanjiao said that Huawei and Xiaomi have independently developed their own chips "Kirin" and "澎湃". More than 20% of domestic smartphones use domestic chips, and Tianma's smartphones have the second largest FHD shipment in the world. The market share is close to 20%. Battery suppliers BYD, Desai, earphone/speaker module supplier Goer Acoustics and AAC Technologies have also grown into industry leaders.

Feng Yanjiao also said that the policy layer is also very strong in supporting domestic mobile phones. On the one hand, the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Brand Building in China's Mobile Phone Industry" released in 2014 emphasizes the transformation and upgrading of the mobile phone industry from scale expansion to brand efficiency; On the one hand, the state actively promotes the implementation of the "National Integrated Circuit Industry Development Promotion Outline", launches industrial strong foundation projects, industrial transformation and upgrading funds, and "nuclear high-base" national science and technology major projects to support the development of mobile phone core technology and mobile phone basic chip components. Guide the National IC Industry Investment Fund to strengthen investment in mobile phone core chips and other areas to guide the integration and development of the industry.