Panyu Shanghefang Gaoyan value JS, 198, 238 with red mobile

Venue: Huibao Yuanmu
Address: 2nd Floor, Hefang Junyu Hotel, Qinghe East Road, Panyu District
Consumption: 198, 238

I usually live in the vicinity, and the surrounding foot massage has basically gone. I used to think that this foot is a regular, and occasionally went once, and decisively set up a 1000 yuan membership card.

The environment is very good, the location is very easy to find, because it is a member, the minister is happy to introduce me every time, 198 58 (1581456****), 68 (1552111****) good, 238 168 good ,

I belong to Yan value control! 198's whole body pushes oil, 238's is also pushing the whole body but adding some more awkward movements, there will be jelly roaming all over the body. Listening to the minister, there are more than 300 KJs, the minister said this

The JS ages of the projects are relatively large, so I have never tried them. Of course, this L has a long-term JS. The first time I went, let me go to the little sister, and touched him. It feels like me afterwards.

Serve her. I don't know if JS itself is quite Sao or this L is more attractive. Oh, this is selfish, don't contribute!